Mental Health For All

We believe in enabling individuals, groups and communities to increase control over and enhance their mental health

Getting Help

Caring For Yourself

There are many ways for you to find optimal mental health. Just as there are different causes and symptoms, there are many ways for you to handle each mental illness. You may find that a combination of strategies is what helps the most.

Treatments can consist of:

  • Medication: Physicians and psychiatrists assess an individual’s condition, and work with you to determine a diagnosis, prescribe medication and/or other treatments

  • Psychotherapy and/or counselling: You can learn to effectively change your thinking, feelings, and behaviour through methods such as cognitive therapy

  • Alternative methods can include nutritional, naturopathic counselling, physical exercise, yoga, meditation and exploring spirituality

  • Community support services: CMHA ASER and many other organizations offer services to help people manage life with a mental illness


When You Need Help

Life can be overwhelming and there are supports available to you. Reaching out for help is an important step. Talk with someone you trust about how you feel.

If you need help right now please use these resources:

  • 211 (here to help you find the right community and social services. You can dial 2-1-1 to speak to an Information & Referral Specialist, or search the online community resource directory, or chat online with them from 12-8 pm MT daily.)

  • Mental Health Help Line:

  • Distress Centre Crisis Line:

  • Kids Help Phone:

  • Canada Suicide Prevention Service:

  • AHS Addiction and Mental Health (Medicine Hat local):

  • If you are in an emergency situation,
    call 911

  • Learn more about services available


Caring For Others

The support of family and friends is critical to help someone cope with mental illness. It is also important to take care of yourself, seeking support and advice to nurture your own life, too. Here are some ways to support a person coping with mental illness:

  • Get Help Early: Often family and friends are the first people to notice changes in someone. Accessing necessary supports for your loved one as soon as possible can help with their recovery process.

  • Learn: Becoming educated on the signs and symptoms of mental health problems will help you understand what is happening with your loved one. Learning about medications and treatment options will allow you to be an excellent advocate for your loved one's needs.

  • Provide Emotional Support: Encourage hope for your loved one. Be patient, understanding and actively listen when engaging in conversation. Understand that they are not to blame for their mental illness and remember what your relationship with them means to you.

  • Self Care: It can be tough supporting someone with a mental illness. Remember that as much as your loved one needs support, you do too! Connecting with local resources for caregivers can help you feel less alone. Attending support groups for caregivers, such as CMHA ASER's Caregiver Connections, can help you learn and grow while also letting you meet others who are supporting their loved ones.

  • There are many more ways you can support someone with a mental illness. For more information on helping, please see the following links:

    • CMHA National Family & Caregiver Support:

    • HereToHelp Family Toolkit: