Our Team
Lyndon Grunewald, MBA
Executive Director
I am extremely grateful to be able to serve the Medicine Hat and southeast Alberta region to ensure mental wellness is supported and promoted in a positive way.
I am a proud grandfather, father and husband of some pretty amazing people that support and love me in our mutual journey.
I love the arid landscape of our region, the closeness of Cypress Hills and the Rocky Mountains and our connections to British Columbia and Saskatchewan. It’s a unique spot to call home and we love it!
I am grateful to work with our team in the office, the Post thrift store and all the community and government partners that work tirelessly to serve the people of our little corner of Alberta.
Check us out on social media, our website or come down to the office to say hi!
Erin Reeder
Programs Manager
I have been with CMHA-ASER since 2007 and have had the opportunity to work in 5 different positions over those years.
A major part of my role is teaching others about mental health and this is a true passion of mine. I have been an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (ASIST) Trainer since 2013 and this is how most people recognize me.
Paula Bromley
Administrative Assistant
I’ve been the part-time Administrative Assistant for CMHA–ASER for four years. I’m the first person to greet you when you walk in or call, and will help you find the resources you need in the office or in the community. If I think there are more or better options for what individuals are looking for, I can always rely on our staff for input.
Breanne Mellen
Suicide Prevention Program
I’ve worked at CMHA for seven years and have done a wide variety of jobs here from frontline housing work to educational-based positions. My current role is by far my favorite job I’ve held here, though! I love the work I do because it impacts more than just my professional life.
Michelle Deminick
Caregiver Connections,
Recovery Trainer
I am new to CMHA, and loving this job! My background is in Child and Youth Care Counselling and I have many years of experience working with children, teens, and families.
I am excited to support people to live their best lives by teaching about addictions and mental health.
Mark Walter
Recovery Trainer
I was born and raised in Saskatchewan (sports fans, please don’t hold that against me—Go Riders!). I have a degree in social work, and will soon complete my Master's in psychology.
I am thrilled to have joined the great team at CMHA ASER as a Recovery Trainer. I joined CMHA ASER as there are so many exciting possibilities and opportunities to what lies ahead with the Recovery College.